8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Disinformation Nation: The Dangers of Distortion
Former U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade, author, Disinformation, breaks down the key tactics used to distort information, how it is used to undermine public trust and why it matters. Identify ways to spot disinformation and strategies for mitigating its harmful effects.
Barbara McQuade, JD – Professor from Practice, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and former US Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan
Credits: 1.0 OT
9:40 AM – 10:30 AM
Cyber Threats, Blockchain Investigations, and the Emerging Risk of AI
Cryptocurrency is an increasingly attractive tool for hiding and laundering money, but virtual currency leaves its own form of breadcrumbs for investigators to follow. Explore the blockchain and discover the latest methods for tracing Ethereum-based crypto assets, including how to identify key attributes, ownership and more, using a combination of opensource tools and old school sleuthing.
Special Agent Andrew Sczygielski – Federal Bureau of Investigation, Cyber Task Force, Detroit
Credits: 1.0 OT
10:40 AM – 11:30 AM
A New Fraud Risk Management Guide for Your Practice
Led by the AICPA, the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) published a new edition of its Fraud Risk Management Guide in May 2023. With updates focused on deterrence, data analytics, internal controls and the legal and regulatory environment, determine strategies for leveraging the new guide in litigation matters, investigations, and improving anti-fraud controls.
Gregory H. Soule, CPA, CISA, CISSP, CFE – Partner, AHP, Bloomfield Hills
Credits: 1.0 AA
11:40 AM – 12:30 PM
Hidden Complexities: Ethics & Confidentiality
Michigan is one of the few states with a client privilege statute which applies to CPAs. Explore the hidden complexities this presents when working with your clients, and how engagement letters can help CPAs mitigate issues of confidentiality and conflict of interest. This session will also cover rules when terminating or transferring a practice, confidentiality between spouses and business owners and NOCLAR issues.
Raymond T. Rowe, CPA, JD – Attorney, Raymond T. Rowe PC, Troy
Credits: 1.0 ET
1:20 PM – 2:10 PM
The Line: A Closer Look at Accountants on Both Sides of Criminal Prosecutions
Is it one misstep on a slippery slope or a path forged by the worst of intentions? Analyze high profile cases of accounting and financial fraud with special focus on the contributions of accountants on both the right and wrong side of the law.
George Donnini, JD – Director & Shareholder, Butzel Long, Detroit
David DuMouchel, JD – Shareholder, Butzel Long, Bloomfield Hills
Credits: 1.0 OT
2:20 PM – 3:35 PM
Growing Trends in MI Cannabis
Despite having among the lowest prices in the nation, Michigan cannabiz netted $3 billion in sales during 2023 alone. But as the industry has expanded so too has the regulation and litigation field around it, and the financial challenges faced by licensees. Join this discussion for an in-depth exploration of the most common regulatory challenges, statutory issues and fraud and litigation scenarios associated with cannabis. Plus, develop better strategies for raising capital in cannabiz.
R. Lance Boldrey, JD – Member, Dykema, Lansing
George B. Donnini, JD – Director, Butzel Long, Troy
Brad Sargent, CPA/ABV/CFF, CIRA, CFE, CFS, CCA, CRFAC, FABFA – Founder and Managing Member, The Sargent Consulting Group, LLC, Detroit
Robin Schneider – Executive Director, Michigan Cannabis Industry Association, Lansing
Moderator: Jim Spencer, CFE, CVA, CIRA, CCA, MBA – Director, The Sargent Consulting Group, LLC, Detroit
Credits: 1.5 OT
3:45 PM – 5:00 PM
AI on the Case? Defining ChatGPT and Generative AI Forensic Capabilities
Artificial intelligence (AI) is having a significant impact on fraud detection and analysis. Explore the capacity of AI tools like ChatGPT, BingAI, and Bard to enhance investigations, audits, and compliance, as well as deciphering structured and unstructured data sources.
Patrick Grobbel, CFE, CAMS – Director of Strategic Relationships, KonaAI, Washington, DC
Credits: 1.5 AA
9:40 AM – 10:30 AM
The Margrabe Option for an Unmarketable Discount
Applying Discounts for Lack of Marketability (DLOM) to a valuation requires a thorough understanding of the various models used to estimate DLOM. Review the Margrabe formula and discuss the pros and cons of an option pricing model versus other methods.
Jeffrey J. Groen, CPA/ABV, CFF, CGMA, MST – Managing Partner, Groen Kluka & Company PC, Troy
Nicholas R. Groen, CPA/ABV, MBA/MSF, CMEA, SBA – Staff Accountant, Groen Kluka & Company PC, Troy
Credits: 1.0 OT
10:40 AM – 11:30 AM
Expert Witness Do’s and Don’ts
To be effective, the Expert Witness must navigate difficult clients, contradictory data, complex analysis, and unsophisticated juries before even facing an adverse attorney and their own personal/professional limitations. Learn how to anticipate these and other issues on the road to achieving the best possible outcome as an Expert Witness.
Michael A. Gagleard, Esq. – Shareholder, Ishbia & Gagleard, PC, Birmingham
Jim Schmid, CPA, CFF, CFE, ABV – Managing Director, ResX, PC, Troy
Credits: 1.0 OT
11:40 AM – 12:30 PM
Top Considerations for Expert Rebuttal Reports
When it comes to litigation, expert witnesses should be prepared to confront the expert opinion presented by the opposition with a rebuttal report. Learn how to prepare an effective rebuttal report, including the top factors to consider before putting pen to paper.
John Haag, CPA, CGMA, ABV, CVA – Principal, Yeo & Yeo, Midland
Credits: 1.0 OT
1:20 PM – 2:10 PM
The Nitty Gritty Niche of Tax Affecting Valuation
Historically, tax affecting in business valuations does not hold up in court. The recent case of Estate of Cecil v. Commissioner, however, found the approach to be an appropriate handling of the valuation of an S Corporation stock in this instance. Use recent case studies and the historical process of valuing an estate to determine the appropriateness of tax affecting valuation.
James R. Hitchner, CPA/ABV/CFF – Managing Director, The Financial Valuation Group, Atlanta, GA
Credits: 1.0 OT
2:20 PM – 3:35 PM
Myth Busters: Valuation Edition
Ready to bust some myths about business valuations? Discuss the myths of the valuation process before confirming the facts in a variety of scenarios that relate to everything from working capital to fair market value. Bring along your questions and your skepticism.
James R. Hitchner, CPA/ABV/CFF – Managing Director, The Financial Valuation Group, Atlanta, GA
Credits: 1.5 AA
3:45 PM – 5:00 PM
Presenting Expert Opinions at Trial: Litigator Panel
Not all those called to testify as an expert witness are seasoned experts on testifying. Join this panel discussion for a demonstrative exploration of how to bring an expert opinion to trial, including how to make a testimony convincing, navigating judicial bias, tips for improving your presentation of fact and more.
Kate Eisenstein, CPA, JD, M.Sc. – Partner, Mantese Honigman, PC, Troy
Lynn C. Sirich, JD – Member and Domestic Relations & Family Law Practice Group Co-Chair, Dickinson Wright, Troy
Moderator: John T. Alfonsi, CPA, ABV, CFE, CFF, CVA – Managing Director, Cendrowski Corporate Advisors, LLC, Bloomfield Hills
Credits: 1.5 OT
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