

8:30 AM – 9:20 AM
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: GASB Pronouncements, Drafts & More from 2024
Get the latest details regarding pronouncements issued by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) which will be effective in 2024 and 2025. Gain a high-level overview of on-going projects including information on documents being released for public comment.
Joel Black – Chair, Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), Norwalk
Credits: 1.0 AA

1:10 PM – 2:00 PM
Recent updates to the Uniform Guidance issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) increased the Single Audit thresholds for recipients of federal funds. Review the latest updates from the OMB, including major program determination thresholds, de minimis rates and more.
Christopher Pembrook – Senior Manager, Crawford & Associates, P.C., Oklahoma City, OK
Credits: 1.0 AA



9:30 AM – 10:20 AM
First Look: The GASB Reporting Remodel
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) recently introduced improvements to its financial reporting model with Statement No. 103. Perform an in-depth analysis of GASB 103, including new requirements for information provided in management’s discussion & analysis, proprietary fund reporting, unusual or infrequent items.
Joel Black – Chair, Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), Norwalk
Credits: 1.0 AA

10:30 AM – 11:20 AM
MI Treasury Updates for Local Governments
Join the Michigan Treasury for a review of the latest updates impacting local governments, including recent revisions to Form F-65, the final approved 2024 Budget Manual, considerations for deficits, financial analysis best practices, training and more.
Nick Brousseau – Manager, Bureau of Local Government and School Services, State of Michigan Department of Treasury, Lansing
Cary Jay Vaughn, CPA, CGFM – Local Audit and Finance Division, State of Michigan Department of Treasury, Lansing
Credits: 1.0 AA

11:30 AM – 12:20 PM
Ethics and Independence
Explore the relationship between ethics and independence as we review the structure of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and discuss ethics violations found in audits as well as the answers to common independence and ethics questions.
Jennifer Kappler, CPA – Senior Manager-Professional Ethics, AICPA, Durham, NC
Credits: 1.0 ET

2:10 PM – 3:00 PM
Single Audits & The Cycle of Findings
From start to finish, Single Audit findings are subject to a specific set of processes. Determine auditor and auditee responsibilities in the cycle of findings, including key elements of Single Audit findings, navigating management corrective action plans, audit resolutions, disagreements and more.
Christopher Pembrook – Senior Manager, Crawford & Associates, P.C., Oklahoma City, OK
Credits: 1.0 AA

3:10 PM – 5:00 PM (Double Session)
OMB Supplement Part 3: Inside the 12 Compliance Requirements
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Compliance Supplement issued in 2023 provided updates to the 12 specific compliance requirements for entities who will require a Single Audit. We will perform a case study of a federal program to determine audit objectives and procedures, including the compliance requirements under Part 3, as well as additional requirements under Part 4 of the supplement. Additionally, we will review the updates to the 2024 AICPA Audit Guide for Governmental Auditing Standards and Single Audits.
Dan Merritt, CPA, MBA, CGFM – Assurance Senior Manager, Rehmann, Detroit
Credits: 2.0 AA



9:30 AM – 10:20 AM
Data Analytics and Fraud
The use of data analytics is critical in today’s fraud mitigation landscape. This presentation will focus on using the power of data analytics to identify patterns, anomalies, and trends that can signal fraudulent activities. We’ll talk about how some recent fraud in local government could have been detected using analytics, and how you can use data to keep your organization and clients out of the news.
Jessica Droste, CPA – Manager, Maner Costerisan, P.C., Lansing
Bethany Verble, CPE, CFE – Senior Manager, Maner Costerisan, P.C., Lansing
Credits: 1.0 AA

10:30 AM – 11:20 AM
GASB 101: A Year In Review
Statement No. 101 of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) updates how liabilities associated with compensated absences are recognized. Review lessons learned following the first year of GASB 101 implementation, including best practices and pitfalls to avoid.
Kellen Riker, CPA – Manager, Yeo & Yeo, Flint
Credits: 1.0 AA

11:30 AM – 12:20 PM
Time’s Up! QMS Standards Go Live in 2025
The four new quality management standards (QMS) issued by the AICPA in 2022 will go into effect in 2025. Review the components of each standard and determine firm planning and implementation strategies. Plus, investigate the relationship between the new QMS standards and quality control as it relates to SAS. No. 146.
Christina Moser, CPA – Senior Manager, Professional Standards – Quality Management, Plante Moran, Southfield
Credits: 1.0 AA

2:10 PM – 3:00 PM
GASB 87 In Review – Leases
The implementation of GASB 87, Leases, presented a big change for governmental accountants and auditors, requiring all leases lasting more than 12 months to be considered as liabilities and lease assets. Analyze the most common audit findings associated with GASB 87 and explore the accounting and auditing similarities between requirements for leases under GASB 87 and subscription-based information technology arrangements under GASB 96. 
Duane Reyhl, CPA, CGMA – Audit and Accounting Partner, AHP, Midland
Credits: 1.0 AA

3:10 PM – 4:00 PM
SAS No. 145: Audit Challenges & Solutions
Implementation of SAS No. 145 changes how auditors must define significant risk, evaluate the design of certain controls and so much more. Differentiate between prior requirements and those established under SAS No. 145 and identify the top associated audit challenges and their solutions.
Jessie Klisz, CPA – Assurance Manager, Plante Moran, Portage
Credits: 1.0 AA

4:10 PM – 5:00 PM
Investigating the Impacts of AI & IT Security on the Profession
As accounting and auditing firms move to adopt artificial intelligence (AI) tools into their practices, experts are stressing the importance of doing so with reasonable caution. Review the top concerns regarding AI and which security issues should be considered prior to integration.
Byron Patrick, CPA, CITP – CEO, VERYIFYiQ, Washington, DC
Credits: 1.0 AA

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